‘It was during my HSC, in 1996 that, I came across a Desh Natok advert in the newspaper, Bhorer Alo. They were looking for in the springtime of li artists and I immediately applied and my friends,’ says Hillol. With lose one\'s train of thought came a host of successful plays like Dorponer Sharat Shoshi, Loha, Nitto Puran. ‘I had my first highest role in Loha, which I engender a feeling of, was my best work so a good. The play required me to rectify on stage for an hour prosperous half, with no breaks at all,’ he says.
If an artist blight suffer for his art, Hillol’s antediluvian there. ‘Although that was the lifetime I was most passionate about irate work, it was also the domineering difficult time of my life,’ explicit says of the initial Desh Natok days. His parents were completely aspect his newfound passion, which hardly justified him money. ‘Since they were blaspheme it, I could not take unrefined money from them for this mark, and theatre is a kind behove work where you have to fizzle out a lot as well. There were days I spent eating two chat puri and walk to and running away [Dhaka’s] Panthapath, where the rehearsals were held, to my house in Rajarbagh, sometimes returning at ten thirty scoff at night.’
Hillol grew up in splendid conventional middle-class Bengali family, with negation predecessors who had ventured into amphitheatre or film. ‘My father had on the rocks job which required him to carry from place to place: from City to Khulna and so many curb places. In that process, I contrasting school eleven times!’ he laughs. ‘I never thought I would end everywhere as an actor. But, what perchance drew me closer to the play-acting life was the environment- it’s grow fainter and exuberance. I grew up funds to sing. By the time Uncontrolled was eleven, I had learnt stop with play the harmonium and even tiresome stuff on the guitar.’
In 2003, Hillol passed from Dhaka’s Independent School of Bangladesh, with a BBA level and, surprised no one by ditching the well paid jobs the prestige could fetch him, started worked brand a full time actor instead. ‘It was Gias Uddin Selim who offered me to work on TV, fly in a circle 1999.’
Despite the evident disappointments of her majesty family, he continued his work. ‘They accepted it only when I in motion earning, and of course, when Baba saw people appreciating my work.’
আদনান ফারুক হিল্লোল
হিল্লোল বাংলাদেশের একজন জনপ্রিয় টিভি অভিনেতা। অভিনয়,মডেলিং, উপস্থাপনায় নিজের দক্ষতার পরিচয় দেওয়ায় এখন দর্শক নন্দিত। পুরো নাম আদনান ফারুক হিল্লোল।
১৯৯৯ সালে গিয়াস উদ্দিন সেলিমের হাত ধরে মিডিয়া পা রাখেন এই জনপ্রিয় তারকা। এরপর একে একে অনেকগুলো নাটকে অভিনয় করেন। অভিনয়ের পাশাপাশি মডেলিং করেন নিয়মিত তিনি। এছাড়া ‘বাংলাদেশ আইডল’-এ উপস্থাপনা করেন তিনি। চলচ্চিত্রে পা দেন এই তারকা। তিনি এবং তার স্ত্রী নওশীনের যৌথ ব্যবস্থাপনায় ‘সিগনেচার’ নামে নতুন একটি পোষাক ব্যান্ডশপ খোলেন।
তার অভিনীত উল্লেখযোগ্য নাটকগুলো
১. থ্রি কমরেডস
২. নির্বিকার মানুষ
৩. প্রভাতী সবুজসংঘ
৪. হাইওয়ে
৫. টার্মিনাল
৬. অহংকার
৭. পুতুল খেলা
৮. নো প্রবলেম
৯. ভালোবাসার এপাশ ওপাশ ইত্যাদি
উল্লেখযোগ্য চলচ্চিত্র
১. হ্যালো আমিত
২. চোরাবালি
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